Friday 20 January 2012

The Year of the Yang Water Dragon


The Year of the Water Dragon
January 23rd 2012 to February 9th 2013
The Yang Water Dragon Year starts on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013. The energetic high point of the year is the month of the dragon moon from May 20 to June 18. This month starts with the new moon on May 20; the full Dragon Moon is June 4; and the month is over on June 18. June 19 begins the month of the snake moon, which will set up the energy for the following Year of the yin Water Snake that will start in February of 2013.
A Brief History: 
The Chinese calendar traditionally numbers the years from the reign of the Yellow Emperor; therefore our 2012 AD is approximately the year 4710. The seeds for Chinese astrology were planted during the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC) and burgeoned during the Han Dynasty (2nd century BC to 2nd century AD). During the Han period the familiar elements of traditional Chinese culture: Yin-Yang philosophy, the theory of the 5 elements and of Heaven and Earth as well as Confucian morality were built upon the foundation of the calendar to formalize the philosophical principles of Chinese medicine and divination, astrology and alchemy.
At present the Chinese lunisolar calendar (the moon and sun calendar) determines the date of Chinese New Year. In the Chinese calendar the winter solstice must occur in the 11th month, which means that Chinese New Year usually falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice. In traditional Chinese Culture lichun is a solar term marking the start of spring which occurs on or about February 4.

A 60-year Cycle:
A 60-year cycle consists of two separate cycles interacting with each other. The first is the cycle of ten heavenly stems. Each of the ten heavenly stems is associated with one of the five elements of Chinese astrology: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The elements are rotated every two years while the yin and yang association alternates every year. The elements are thus distinguished as, Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, etc.
Incidentally, Water Dragons occur every 60 years, so we have had Yang Water Dragons in 1592, 1652, 1712, 1772, 1832, 1892, 1952, 2012, and it will fall again in 2072, 2132, 2192 and 2252.
When in navigating the lunisolar calendar, a simple rule to remember is that years that end in an even number are yang, those that end with an odd number are yin. The cycle works like this:
-When the year ends in 0 it is Yang Metal; when the year ends in 1 it is Yin Metal.
-When the year ends in 2 it is Yang Water; when the year ends in 3 it is Yin Water.
- When the year ends in 4 it is Yang Wood; when the year ends in 5 it is Yin Wood.
-When the year ends in 6 it is Yang Fire; when the year ends in 7 it is Yin Fire.
- When the year ends in 8 it is Yang Earth; when the year ends in 9 it is Yin Earth.
Twelve-year cycle of animals:
The second cycle system is comprised of the twelve-year cycle of the animal zodiac (shēngxiào) or Earthly Branches. It was built from observations of the orbit of Jupiter, which is called the Year Star. Following the orbit of Jupiter around the sun, Chinese astronomers divided the celestial sphere into 12 sections, and rounded each one up to one year from 0.86 of a year.  These are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. (In Vietnam the rabbit is supplanted by the cat.)
 All these accounts produce a combined cycle that repeats every 60 years. For example, the year of the Yang Fire Rat occurred in 1936 and in 1996, 60 years apart.
Special Note: There are a number of legendary accounts as to the source of 12 animals of the zodiac. One version mentions that the Jade Emperor invited all the animals to come to see him in Heaven. Of all the animals invited, only the Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Dragon, Ox, Boar, Tiger, Rat, Ram, Monkey, Dog, and Rooster complied. In honour of their arrival, the Emperor named a year after each of these animals whose characteristics are thought to be shared by anyone born in that year. Another popular version states that it was Buddha who bid the animals to his presence. Each of the animals that obeyed were given a year to be named after them. Their characteristics (also connected to the elements) would hence, determine the outcome of events and people of the corresponding year.
In Chinese Five Element theory, Dragon is in the Earth group but it also contains Wood and Water. When it meets a Rabbit, the Dragon adopts Wood's characteristic. When it meets a Rat, then the Dragon shares the Water characteristic. When it meets a Rooster, Dragon assumes the characteristic of Metal. Since a Dragon might be treated as Earth, Water, Wood or Metal, the Dragon is deemed unpredictable and intangible. Year of Dragon then usually has something unexpected in store. Another thing to remember is that 2012 is the Water Dragon, or Black Dragon, year, so water is a predominant factor in determining people's fortune in 2012.

General predictions for the Year of the Dragon
What kind of year will 2012 be?   Many expect 2012 to bring about the end of the world, perhaps because they mistakenly think of Mayan or Hindu cosmologies as linear rather than cyclical. Those people who predicted the Doomsday scenario on December 21, 2012 after interpreting the ending of the Great Cycle of the
Mayan Calendar would no doubt jump at the chance to remind us that the Mayans predicted that this whole cycle of civilization which has lasted 5,125 years comes to an end on the Winter Solstice, 2012.
It’s interesting to note that in China there is no such prediction about the world ending in 2012. On the contrary hundreds of years ago diviners in China predicted that the Nation will in fact become prosperous and peaceful in 2012.
Chinese Dragons in particular are considered to be Divine, mythical creatures. In ancient times Emperor’s power was represented by the emblems of celestial Dragon. In the present day the Dragon is still considered a mystical being, therefore a karmic sign. It means that in 2012 we can anticipate great things. Dragon years are action driven and are times for major initiatives. Dragon years favour progress, but opportunities do need to be taken when they arise. In this fast moving year there is no time to waste. For astronomers, this can be a highly significant year- as exciting new finds will be made. There will also be a major development in the area of transport. Usually the Year of Dragon portends a fortunate, happy and joyful period, especially for Dragon people. The Dragon constellation, in fact, is accorded the honour of being the guardian of the Eastern sky and traditionally it’s supposed to bring in the Four Blessings of the East: wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity. People and business around the world that had difficult times over the last few years look forward to dragon year, as the good luck it brings is both a timely and much needed reprieve.
On the cautionary note, however, there will be spectacular successes as well as notable crash and burn failures. Regardless of your sign, there will be significant upheavals in 2012. Soaring stock markets, natural disasters, and noteworthy, cultural and political developments will be more the norm than the exception.
We all know that water covers 2/3 of our planet & comprises 85% of our bodies; we simply cannot function without it. In Chinese element theory, water produces wood, which signifies growth and is the natural element of the dragon. The dragon governs east/southeast, wealth accumulation and the hours of 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Associated with thunder, lightning and arousal, the Water Dragon personifies creativity at its best.
This is the Water Dragon year and the Dragon mainly contains the Earth; yet Earth and Water are opposite elements. From this we can deduce that some bad news might happen. This year will be marked by a natural catastrophe very early on. Not only could there be earthquakes and volcanoes erupting in various parts of the World but the whims of the weather system may also play havoc in certain regions.
As the Water Dragon year is a strong sign of Water the bulk of natural disasters will be related to water, flood, hurricane, rain, ocean, rivers or mud. It is interesting to note that the nickname of Dragon in Chinese astrology is Water Dam. That implies Dragon can hold Water and make it quiet.

To grasp the enormity, the scale of events that might occur in 2012, here are few accounts of things that had transpired on the previous Water Dragon year, 1952:
 -In February young Elizabeth II was enthroned Queen of the United Kingdom, beginning her long reign lasting to this date.
- In 1952 the United States introduced two of the most destructive weapons in history, the hydrogen bomb and the B-52 bomber.
- Dragon Year Children are always prized. Here’s an example of the last water dragon births: World leaders include Vladimir Putin and Lee Hsien Loong.
Craig Newmark, founder of Craig’s List, who has revolutionized the world of advertising, was born in the Year of the Dragon.
In sports, Jimmy Connors dominated the world of tennis; football coach Bill Belichick was instrumental in winning four Superbowls.
The dragon year favours creativity, originality and plain old expressionism. Penicillin was just one of the major discoveries made in a dragon year (1952). In the world of fashion new styles are likely to emerge that will catch the imagination, whereas in music musicians will be keen to experiment and promote new sounds with some new bands attracting a worldwide following. Interestingly enough it was in the dragon year of 1964 that Beatle mania became such a worldwide phenomenon, with the Beatles being the first band to see a million copies of a record sold before its release.
Everyone has dreams, and that the time to pursue them is now, for The Dragon Year gives you the best chance to make them come true. Timing is of the essence but keep in mind that Dragon is associated with spring therefore you need to get off to a fast start as things are going to start happening early in the year.  Opportunities to accrue a fortune could come right after lunar New Year. You don’t want to miss that boat now, do you?
Meanwhile expect fireworks in your love and romance sector. New love can blossom or an old one will be rekindled on the spur of the moment. It is important to note the Dragon is associated with festivals and celebrations which makes 2012 the perfect year for baptisms, engagements, and weddings. A note of caution: These happenings may be of transitory nature By all means enjoy that new love but be mindful that it is more than likely just a fleeting romance.

Because Water nourishes the Dragon’s fixed element, Wood, this Dragon receives a big advantage over the rest of the animals when it comes to bringing good luck and personal accomplishment. The Dragon person is actually going to realize some of those big dreams!

There is as well another reason to rejoice; since 1996 the year element had been in a destructive relationship with the fixed element of the animal sign. That made for a long unfavourable period in the 60 year cycle of Chinese Astrology, and therefore a scarcity of good luck. The year 2012 is thus twice blessed; not only with the lucky Dragon but also by the end of this destructive cycle. There will be celebrations of all kinds and good luck will be coming your way.

Want to hear more good news? Read on.
Under the influence of the Dragon it is a yang year and yang Water is like a flowing river rather than a stagnant lake. Things will therefore move, with creativity abounding ideas will flow, economies will boom, and relationships will blossom in this environment. By all accounts it promises to be a most memorable year ahead.
Dragon years are lucky for anyone thinking of starting a business or initiating a new project of any sort because money is easier to come by for everyone, whether it’s earned, borrowed or received as a gift. Consequently we can expect the economic downturn to ease up a bit in the coming year. Fortunes can be made but they can also be lost if you are not careful or unreasonably extravagant with your spending.
Last but not least, water is connected to Wisdom. This furnishes us with the hope that the people will act wiser in 2012, which may in turn bring the biggest blessing of all in the Year of the Water Dragon.

Best of luck in 2012!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Legend of Wen Shi (Long Mu)

The Legend of Wen Shi (Long Mu)
My Version of the Story: Wen Shi -The Mother of the Dragons

During the Qin Dynasty, in the Teng District of Guangdong Province a second girl child, named Wen Shi, was born to Wen Tianrui and Liang Shi. Wen Shi often frequented the banks of the nearby Xi River to catch fish or do the laundry.  On one such errand she chanced upon a large, smooth, white stone along the banks of the river, partially hidden by a cluster of rushes. Drawn to it at once, she picked it up and admired it for a long while before placing it in her apron’s pocket.

When she concluded her chores she returned home for supper.  As she was getting ready for bed, her hand chanced upon the stone in her pocket. Elatedly she showed this beautiful new find to her siblings but her sisters weren’t at all interested and, as in the past, they laughed and teased her endlessly for liking such odd things.  She didn’t care, for the more she handled it, the more things she found to like about it. For one, it possessed a nacreous depth and a unique hint of luminosity, it grew warmer with prolonged touch and it offered her unending comfort. You can imagine her thrill when she discovered weeks later that it was actually an egg; an egg from which hatched five baby snakes. Her sisters wanted nothing to do with these slithering creatures and again teased her incessantly for her odd attraction to them.  She pleaded with her parents to be allowed to keep them, promising to bear the sole responsibility of feeding them, caring for them and keeping them out of trouble. Although they were a poor family Wen Shi saved the best portions of her own food and diligently fed these morsels by hand to the baby snakes. She carried them with her always, even when doing her chores. Soon the snakes grew up under her good care, and loving her in return, they assisted her whenever they could with her chores.  These unusually intelligent snakes were quite adept in the water and excellent swimmers; therefore, they used their ability to help Wen Shi catch bountiful loads of fish in the Xi River.
Then a time came when another wonder manifested; the snakes matured into five magnificent and most powerful dragons. By then her parents had departed this world and her sisters had been happily married off and lived elsewhere. She therefore dwelled in her parent’s home alone. In Chinese culture, dragons are deemed spirits of water and have the power to control the weather. When a bad drought plagued her village and caused untold hardships for many families living within that region, Wen Shi gathered her dragon children to her and asked for their help.  The dragons instinctively knew what to do and they set to work in summoning the rain.  Soon the downpours drenched the parched land, renewing life of vegetation and crops. The grateful villagers from that time on overcame their innate fear of the dragons and named Wen Shi “Mother of Dragons” or “Divine Human”.
 Visitors spread the word far and wide of this miracle and the benevolent dragons that had saved the villagers from certain ruin. Before long it reached the ear of the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang.  Immediately Wen Shi was summoned to Court for a private audience with the Empreor in the Imperial City, Xianyang, far to the north near the Yellow River.  Wen was declared a Benevolent Being and was also endowed with gifts of gold and jade.

By the time of this summons she was an elderly woman in rather frail health and her dragons feared for her well being and safety. They tried to deter her from the gruelling trip but she was a loyal subject and would not hear of it. Soon she boarded the boat to begin her journey to the Imperial City.  Unbeknownst to her, however, her concerned dragons had hidden themselves under the boat and pulled it backward; no matter how hard the rowers struggled, the boat failed to pass Guilin. Eventually the frustrated Imperial officials aborted their mission with great reluctance and allowed Wen Shi to return to the safety of her home.
Finally after many years, Wen Shi passed away and the grief-stricken dragons buried her with due reverence on the northern side of Zhu Mountain.  Then they forsook their dragon forms and permanently assumed human shapes. In time they became known as the Five Scholars.
The End

Sunday 8 January 2012

The Centipede and the Dragon Princess

 The Centipede and the Dragon Princess
(An Alternate Version of Rice-bag Toda (Tawara Toda) 

Once upon a time a warrior called Fujiwara no Hidesato was crossing the Seta Bridge at Lake Biwa. Suddenly a monstrous serpent appeared and lay across the roadway just ahead of him.  The hero was not least bit perturbed and, shrugging his shoulders, calmly stepped over the giant snake and continued on his way. No sooner had Fujiwara passed than the serpent slid into the lake only to reappear again a few feet in front of him in the form of a beautiful woman, blocking his way.


Sporting an enchanting smile, she bowed to him in formal greeting and said, “For two thousand years sir, it’s been my unfortunate fate to be kept away from my home, held prisoner under this bridge. In all that time, I have never before seen such a courageous man as you. It is for that reason that I dare ask this favour.”  In a sorrowful voice she related her tragic story to the hero. She told him how once she’d been a Dragon Princess from a far away sea. Wanting to see more of the world, she had forsaken her safe home, snuck away and travelled far and wide. After many years, as she grew older and matured, she relented and wished to go back home but could no longer find her way no matter how hard she tried. Alone and forlorn, constrained to remain in human form, she had been fortunate enough to meet a brilliant scholar and married him.
For a time they lived happily with their three children, but then one unfortunate day a monstrous centipede emerged from a valley beyond the ridge of hills and, having spotted her, abducted her and hid her in a cave where no one could find her. While she was captive, the centipede had gone back and murdered her loving husband and children. Claiming the region around their old home and the river as his own, he’d brought her back to that precise spot and, from that time on, condemned her to the life of a captive slave. He used his power to endlessly torment her. She had made her home in the depths of the river, forsaking solid land as it had reminded her too much of what she had lost. Still she could not attain any solace. She was forced to give him whenever he wanted each time he came to call on her. She had been most miserable since then, powerless to escape the clutches of the trickster centipede. The few times she’d sought help from wandering warriors, or anyone courageous enough to be willing to help, it had ended disastrously. The monster, delighting in torture, had eaten each champion slowly and painfully in front of her.
“I have been most frank and now you know just what is at stake. Dare I hope for your help, for salvation from my nightmare?” She cupped her face in her hands and sobbed tragically. As he had not taken to his heels in fright and still hung about, she came to believe that he might be the one to save her and again implored the hero to do all he can to destroy the centipede and rescue her from this dire predicament.
Fujiwara was as compassionate as he was brave and he consented after only a very brief consideration. “Rest assured dear lady, I’ll do all I can within my power to help you.” he promised her. “Please go home to your place in the lake and await the results.”
That evening armed with a bow and arrow he planted his feet solidly in the centre of the bridge and waited patiently for the arrival of the centipede. It was a particularly cold night, cumulous clouds rode the sky, driven by strong winds that buffeted his sleeves and thrashed at his face. Often they hid the moon’s rays, leaving him in pitch darkness. Adding an ominous choir to this dramatic scene were the continuous cries of the wild beasts. 
Suddenly from the top of Mt. Mikami, following in the wake of a flash of lightning, two enormous lights burst into the black sky. The vast blinding light, resembling two hundred lit torches, had suddenly turned night into day. It took Hidesato only an instant to recognise the two beams of light as the centipede’s eyes.

Unafraid, Hidesato sightlessly launched three consecutive arrows directly at the blinding lights. Being a great marksman, he hit his mark and the blinding lights were instantly snuffed out; the monster was no more.
The Dragon princess was overjoyed at the news of his decisive victory. Filled with gratitude, she invited Hidesato to be her guest for a time at her own Dragon abode. With her powers now at full capacity after the death of the centipede she was able to transform the simple dwelling into a palace more befitting a Dragon Princess. There she regaled him with music, tasty, delectable dishes and rewarded him with fine gifts: a roll of fine silk, a temple bell, a sword and armour, as well as a tawara bag of rice. She told him in no uncertain terms that these were magical items; that the silk roll, no matter how much he cut from it, would not diminish in size, nor would the bag of rice ever empty no matter how many scoops he took from it, and that the magic would last as long as he lived.
Hidesato returned home and lived comfortably till a ripe old age.  At one point, he did come to know how the Dragon Princess, with her continually growing powers, had eventually attained her ultimate goal of returning home. She was eventually reunited with her parents, who forgave her after learning of all that she’d gone through, had married another dragon and they both lived happily ever after.
 Before the end of his life Hidesato saw fit to donate the bell to Mii-dera temple at Mount Hiei. Unfortunately it was stolen by a priest from rival Enryaku-ji temple. When the bell spoke to the culprit priest he took fright and threw the bell over a cliff and into a valley. The long drop and the landing on hard rock made a long crack appear in the side of the bell. Eventually when the cracked bell was returned to Mii-dera a small snake, perhaps an offspring of the Dragon Princess, used his tail to repair the damage. She was known to visit the lake from time to time, to pay homage to her late human husband and deceased children, whom she’d never forgotten.

Note: In another version of the story, set during the Genpei War, when Hidesato encounters the Dragon Snake on the bridge it is transformed, instead of a beautiful woman, into a “strange small man” instead, who was none other than the Dragon King himself. There is a Shinto shrine near the Seta Bridge at Lake Biwa where, even to date, people worship Tawara Toda, “Rice-bag Toda”.