Tuesday 4 February 2014

Animal Predictions for 2014 - Year of the Yang Wood Horse (Jia Wu)

Animal Predictions for 2014 

 Year of the Yang Wood Horse (Jia Wu)  

Chinese astrology and western astrology differ in that Chinese astrology is used as a preventive measure. A reader has the sense that armed with this knowledge they can be joyous or cautious. They can rest easy having the tools to now control or amend the course of the forecasted events of the coming year.

2014 Predictions for the Rat

The Rat will have a few ups and downs in 2014, but the good news is that all the work they’ve put in during 2013, with their career and social life in particular, could start to pay off right at the beginning of the Horse year.

In 2014 the Rat’s popularity will soar, however, they should keep in mind that this will not be the greatest of years, as the Rat is in conflict with the Horse. All the same they should utilize their social skills, but only as far as good finances and solid lifestyle allows. They should seize any advantage, as this is a great time for networking with new people and this will also be a great opportunity to foster new friends. Keep in mind that April 2014 should be a good month for socialising. Meanwhile, existing relationships will be strengthened and the Rat will attract more good stuff if they seek and take advice from others, as well as sharing good news with those around them.

This year, the Rat would be wise not to try to go it alone or be too independent for it may lead to certain isolation especially if they do not accept the assistance or companionship available.

The Rat needs to be particularly considerate of their existing friends and family in 2014 as this year can be a great year to spend time with loved ones and to reinforce relationships. 2014 could also be a positive year for a family vacation which the Rat would do well to organise.

The Rat will need to keep an eye out for new opportunities which can help further his/her career in the coming year. All Rats should advance their knowledge and skill during the year in order to put it to good use.

Where risks are concerned, the Rat native would be wise to weigh all the pros and cons before initiating any big decisions in their career, as there is a risk of this backfiring if it is not thought out thoroughly. It’s also advisable to always read the small print and check over terms and conditions. Rats should not exclude good advice from others when in doubt. Because of this the Rat must be diligent in keeping a close eye on their finances throughout the year. Therefore, it is imperative the Rats are thorough with their research when making a big investment and taking out loans. With their increased social life, it would be also wise to save whenever possible. Later on some of these savings could be used to give gifts to loved ones, go on trips and splurge on social events with friends and family. Even then the Rat should exercise caution in their spending spree and, whenever possible, seek out the best possible deals.

There may be stiff competition for the Rat who is seeking a promotion at work in 2014. This is not to say they should forgo a promotion, only that the Rat should be well aware of the opposition and study their strengths and weaknesses in order to gain the advantage over them.

2014 is a fantastic year for the Rat to acquire new skills and to further their education. It can really be of benefit to them if they are so motivated. Some plans may go awry or be replaced entirely with new opportunities that can actually work out to the Rat’s advantage in the end.

In summary; 2014 will be a good year for the Rat to build relations and to seize good opportunities provided they keep their wits about them, focus on what really matters in life and always read the small print before signing. This year can also be a good one for relationships for the Rat provided they follow this advice: With the hectic schedule of studies and socialising in 2014 the Rat should reserve some time for their significant other, as there is a risk of overworking and becoming too self- absorbed therefore, through negligence, causing the relationship to dissipate. Alternatively, the relationship will be strengthened if they are allowed to share in Rat’s increased social life. The forecast for single Rats meanwhile is; they are poised to attract good relationships.

As a Rat you are in affinity with the Ox. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of an Ox with you at all times throughout the year in 2014.

2014 Predictions for the Ox

2014 will be an eventful year for the Ox. In order to derive full benefit of the available opportunities however, they need to be both flexible and readily accommodating to all the changes right from the start of the New Year.

Career opportunities will be good and with the furthering of their career they’ll have an increased income. There are ample opportunities throughout 2014 for the Oxen that are seeking a change in their vocation. The only requisite would be that they seek a position that they are qualified for, otherwise this could easily backfire on them.

The forecast for the overall finances will be good for the Ox so long as they are careful with their spending and investments. Also they do need to be thorough with the terms and conditions and seek professional advice when making sizeable purchases if they wish to avoid the risk of unforeseen problems or hefty financial loss.

Oxen should keep an eye on their health this year: stress levels should be managed, exhaustion avoided, and they should be on the lookout for minor illnesses that could take their toll on them. This being said, the Ox needs to stay as active as possible in the year of the Horse. Good health could be maintained by joining a gym, adopting a moderate (regular) workout routine such as walking, cycling or jogging. A sensible diet is also an important factor in achieving a good state of fitness; the occasional fast food meal is forgiven so long as they, on average, consume healthy food.

Social life for the Ox will be particularly good this year. Increased social events shared with comrades will help strengthen bonds of friendship at present and also in the future. There will be many memorable moments to be had in 2014 and these lasting memories could bring unending joy for the Ox in years to come. Some commemorative parties and celebrations will be in order to enumerate their successes either at home or at work. Keep up with the championship of excellence and reap the plentiful rewards. The Ox should remember to reserve some time to themselves so as not to tire too much and therefore become susceptible to illness.

Family vacations will also be most beneficial in 2014 for all.

Romances are not the greatest for the Ox in the year of the Horse although this does not mean that there will be no chance of finding new relationships or strengthening existing ones. Relations of the heart will require some diligence in 2014 and the Ox will need to stay committed to making this work if they wish to perpetuate the good rapport. If they are in a long term relationship with someone, it would be a good idea to take a romantic trip in 2014 although only if they can afford it.

Overall the year of the Horse will be a successful one for the Ox. Oxen are in affinity with the Rat; for their protection, therefore, they should have a key chain pendant of a Rat with them at all times throughout the year.

2014 Predictions for the Tiger

The year of the Horse will be a very fortunate year for the Tiger and they will achieve plenty in 2014. Tigers ending the year of the Snake with problems need not worry as it will be short lived and the Tiger’s luck should turn for the better as the year of the Horse progresses. The Tiger should expend more effort into their actions during the year, however, to achieve greater success. Any and all effort will be beneficial in the long run.

Tigers looking for new employment should be well prepared for the interview and during the course of it strive to create a strong impression in order to outpace all their competition. Good news; career opportunities for the Tiger will be excellent this year and there are even predictions of them climbing the corporate ladder and achieving new connections with important people that will be instrumental in furthering their future goals. As it is the Tiger may have noticed that those in higher positions in their work have already begun placing their trust in them and assigning them more responsibility. Tigers should seize this opportunity to acquire new skills and to furthering their education. New opportunities should bring about an increased income for the Tiger in 2014. An employer’s trust in the Tiger would translate into an increased salary and a good fiscal year for the Tiger. Additionally there could be added unexpected sums of money as well down the road in the form of a gift, lottery win or other windfall. Use caution however and don’t rush out and purchase tons of lottery tickets, better to reserve those funds for practical use throughout the year.

Hobbies and new skills will be beneficial to the Tiger during the year of the Horse, particularly if they are interested in sports or fitness. The only thing is that they need to stay committed to derive greater benefits and increased levels of fitness.

The Tigers social life will be quite active throughout the year and can be a great way to celebrate their new business opportunities with friends and loved ones. The year of the Horse is a great time for the Tiger to enjoy what they already have in their life and that also includes their spouse or partners. Romance is looking very good for the Tiger in 2014 and they will have many opportunities to strengthen romantic bonds with their loved one. To enhance romance and career in 2014, they should introduce some water colours like shades of blue, black, grey in the centre of home or office. These could be in the form of an accent piece such as a doormat, rug, cushion cover, sofa throw, curtains etc.

Single Tigers will also see a rise in interest from the opposite sex this year.

Overall, the year of the Horse is a very favourable year for the Tiger and they can accomplish a great deal this year. Tigers are in affinity with the Pig/Boar. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Pig with them.

2014 Predictions for the Rabbit

The year of the Horse will be a good one for the Rabbit with many career opportunities and exciting times ahead. Their social life will be filled with numerous events which provide them with the opportunity to make new acquaintances and important connections especially in the financial sector. The Rabbit has many skills and they will be sought after for favours during the year of the Horse. Consequently, there will be many social events for the Rabbit and there are predictions that the Rabbits would do rather well if they are organising any events this year. The only drawback is that they may get bit flustered at times with the fast paced, abundant activity of 2014.

Career opportunities are quite favorable for the Rabbit in 2014 and typically, during the course of the year the workload could get bit too hectic for the Rabbit to handle. They should persevere, for there is a light at end of tunnel.

Then there will be those times when it will be best to abandon the slow steady pace of work for the sake of speed in order to derive full benefit from a current situation. Overall the Rabbit should shy away from overworking, however, as this could cause a lot of undue stress.

Good fortune will smile on Rabbits that are unsatisfied in their current positions and are seeking new employment. Key opportunities will be made available for that ideal vocation during the Horse year; however the Rabbit needs to stay finely honed in his/her job hunt for assured success.

The Rabbit’s new career opportunities and rise in income could entice them to compulsive spending. A note of caution is warranted, therefore, in order for the Rabbit to remain financially stable.

The elevated social status with its associated demands and risks could see the money leaving as soon as it manifests. Therefore Rabbits need to manage their spending well and know their limits, especially during key social events, in order to avoid any undue debts.

The forecast for Romance is good for the Rabbits, especially the single Rabbits, what with their increased social status. Rabbits that are already in a serious relationship should be wary and avoid harmless flirting however, to avoid unwarranted problems in 2014. Meanwhile, there will be many opportunities for the married Rabbit to share moments with their loved one and it would be a good idea to spend lots of time together whenever possible to strengthen existing bonds.

The Rabbit’s home life meanwhile will be rather peaceful and relaxed one this year although they will need to make sure that everyone at home has input to the important decisions as ignoring this could cause problems. Furthermore, Rabbits need to spend a lot of quality time sharing family activities such as a day excursion, a short jaunt or a simple movie night at home.

In summary, the year of the Horse is a promising one for the Rabbit but they will need to keep an eye on their spending and be sure not to tire themselves out from the stress of added work and too many social events. This said; they should enjoy a fantastic year of the Horse.

Rabbits are in affinity with the Dog. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Dog.

2014 Predictions for the Dragon

The year of the Horse can be a propitious one for the Dragon provided they are careful and avoid taking too many risks. There will be some aspects of the Dragon’s life that will be harder but, with some determination and perseverance, they should fare well and make the year of the Horse a successful and satisfactory one.

The Career of the Dragon has predictions of growth in the workplace and this opportunity could manifest from a colleague or an associate vacating their position. In addition, there could be a lot of new projects in the workplace that could provide the Dragon with more recognition and greater trust by the senior staff. Overall the year of the Horse should be considered a year of persistence and progress through small steps. Dragons should avoid haste, as recklessness and imprudence could trigger problems for them in 2014. Should any Dragon take shortcuts or risks or ignore the guidelines, problems will be certain to manifest. The Horse year, after all, calls for meticulous attentiveness. Dragons seeking a new position or work during the year of the Horse could face challenges. It could be a tricky process but their innate fortitude and skills could go a long way to impressing their future employer and securing that ideal job.

March, May July and October could see some encouraging developments, but the determined Dragon can benefit from opportunities at almost any other time of the year as well.

Progress at work can help the dragon’s financial position too, although they may find that their expenditures are quite high this year; therefore, they should strive to eliminate unnecessary expenses where possible. Even though Dragon’s outgoings will be considerable, they could fare well in some important transactions. Faced with the possibility of large acquisitions, a Dragon should shop around and seek an appropriate advice to secure the best value. At any rate, the Dragon’s natural aptitude for budgeting and saving should benefit them. Likewise with travel plans; by planning ahead and investigating options Dragons could profit from some particularly attractive offers. But while they may enjoy some luck in financial matters this year, Dragon should not tempt fate by taking unnecessary chances or ignoring the fine print. At the risk of being redundant; the Dragon should remember that this is not a year for diving head long into financial decisions; vigilance is warranted, especially when checking out terms and conditions, before signing any contracts.

In 2014, the Dragon’s social life will be improved. Many enjoyable moments with friends and family are in the forecast for the Dragon and, as for this partygoer and keen socialiser; this can be a boost and an electrifying time. April, May, September and December could see the most activity. There are also predictions of new people entering the Dragon’s life during the year of the Horse and some of these can even lead to lasting relationships. Just be mindful to keep an eye on the expenditures.

When at work, Dragons should sit with their backs to the North or they may find unscrupulous people working against them or encounter undue gossip and back stabbing during the year. There is also a possibility of disturbing news in the year of the Horse. At such instance the Dragons should first check out the facts for themselves rather than take it at face value and fly off the handle. Better that the Dragon be composed and avoid emotional upset, for it will pass fairly quickly.

Another thing to remember is that when encountering such problems or dilemmas rather than keep it all in the Dragon should confide in people he trusts. Sometimes worries could easily be dispelled or certain concerns prove groundless; as well, a worry shared is often a worry halved.

This requirement for openness also applies to Dragon’s home life. With the Dragon and their household in general leading a busy life this year there should be a good liaison and co-operation, greater understanding and assistance particularly at those hectic times. Good communications are paramount as well; the Dragon should curb his independent tendencies and eschew going it alone. Another smart thing to do, is to apportion the practical projects during the course of year leaving ample room for preparation so as to obtain the desired satisfactory results. While the Dragon’s domestic life will be generally good, but busy, it will also contain few interesting quirks and oddities, leading the way for many fun family times.

Romance is looking promising for the Dragon although they will have to work on their communication skills with their partner for their relationship to thrive. This is not something to worry about but is just more of a way to strengthen their relationship.

For the unattached Dragons they should see important and promising developments during 2014, although circumstances may not always make things easy. With care and time new relationship can often become meaningful.

If it can be managed Dragons should aim to preserve some quality time for their own interests as well as give some consideration to their general lifestyle. Personal interests and hobbies can be a good way to relax as well as provide the Dragon with an outlet for his talents and ideas. Dragons can also achieve good health by keeping an eye on their diet and by getting plenty of exercise. Adapting a well balanced and nutritious diet could go a long way to providing them with high energy levels. They must remember to keep active.

Dragons need to exercise caution during the months of April & June 2014, especially if they are not in good health or very stressed. Meanwhile whether at home or in the office, Dragons should be wary of the North direction and remember not to have any ground breaking work, renovations or any noisy activities there. If disturbed, this area can, and normally will, cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly. If the Dragon can’t get out of doing some emergency repairs then they should place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between their building and the location where the work is to be carried out.

Overall, the year of the Horse should be a steady paced year for the Dragon but they can achieve a great deal by taking it easy. They must remember to remain vigilant for risks and carelessness which could cause problems. Fortunately, though, the Dragon is perceptive and his firm resolve will enable him to gain a lot from this full and interesting year.

Dragons are in affinity with the Rooster. For good fortune they should keep a key chain pendant of a Rooster on them.

2014 Predictions for the Snake

The year of the Horse can be a mixed year for the Snake. The fast paced Horse year can sometimes rattle the pace of the Snake and cause them to feel isolated from everything going on around them. Even though this year may not be the greatest in every aspect, still it does not mean that there will not be some successes for the Snake throughout 2014.

The career sector could see the Snake making fair progress throughout the year. Snakes should be mindful however and not spend too much time only on one project, for the fast paced Horse year could swell the other work that had been set aside or ignored. There will be opportunities for the Snake to further their skills in 2014 and they should note that, because of the Snake’s valued input, senior workers that are in higher positions are starting to place a lot more trust in them.

Snakes that are looking to change jobs or are currently unemployed and looking will need to keep up with the fast pace of the Horse year, as they may find a job one day only to discover it has gone the subsequent day. Snakes looking for employment fare better if they detail their many skills and experience in their portfolio in order to impress their potential future employers.

The Snakes finances will be good in 2014; moreover, they should be able to save a fare amount of money this year, provided they are budget conscious and not rush in to any big acquisitions. The Snake’s tendency would be to see something and want it but this year would be better for them if they spent some time researching for the best price and checking over the terms and conditions.

Horse year being so fast paced however, the Snake needs to take some time off to relax and perhaps go on that well deserved vacation. If the Snake is working too hard in 2014, they may be prone to minor illnesses like the common cold. In addition the Snake needs to keep an eye on their diet.

Social life is also good for the Snake in the year of the horse. The Snake should not abort an event because of limited funds; the thing for the Snake to do is to budget their spending and have fun, meet a lot of new people and really get some beneficial results.

Home life for the Snake is promising this year. They should try to spend as much time as possible with loved ones this year as this will help them build a strong bond with each other. Romance and relationships will require some care during the year of the Horse. The Snake may find that arguments are on the rise in 2014, chiefly due to minor things. In that instance it would be advisable for the Snake to remain calm and avoid saying anything that they may later regret, as this could have a long term effect on the relationship. They should try to be the bigger person and diffuse the situation without upsetting each other.

Single Snakes may not have the best of luck this year for finding a partner but they should still notice an increase in interest from the opposite sex although these relations may be short lived if they rush things.

Snakes are in affinity with the Monkey. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Monkey.

2014 Predictions for the Horse

This year will be a very memorable one for the Horse and they will be able to accomplish a great deal in 2014. However the Horse must not take others’ good nature for granted as there is a possibility of problems arising later still when those very people throw these presumptions back into the Horse’s face.

The career for the Horse will be very good this year. In 2014 they will receive recognition and accolades for their previous hard work and dedication in the workplace. There are strong possibilities also of promotion for the Horse. This may mean advancement to a few levels up from their current position, creating a big financial gain in their income.

Horses that are unsatisfied in their current position or those that are unemployed and seeking work could really benefit from the luck of the Horse year backing them. By being proactive in seeking a job and pursuing openings in good companies the Horse could land a really good contract of employment in 2014. This will gain them greater opportunities during this year and the subsequent years to continue to work on their skills and make the most of their potential.

On the whole, the forecast for finances is very good for the Horse in 2014. They should see a sizeable sum of money accrued by the end of the year mainly due to their higher income and position in the workplace. The Horse can also be highly successful in investments and with purchases in 2014. If they are ever unsure about their investments it would be prudent to consult with a professional. The Horse’s finances could be adversely affected if they are in a rush with their acquisitions; therefore they should always evaluate prices, shop around and weigh the pros and cons before purchasing expensive items or make large investments.

A good place to spend those extra funds on this year would be a vacation. The destination could be anywhere around the world or simply within the local vicinity. The Horse need not spend a fortune on a trip; any place of interest would suffice. It would also be beneficial for the Horse to take their partner or loved ones along on vacation, as this will fortify and reinvigorate their bond. The Horse’s home life will be good this year. They should also see many opportunities throughout 2014 for self improvement and attaining life experience. It will be a busy but an enjoyable year for the Horse and one where they can accomplish plenty and absorb all that the world has to offer.

In 2014 Horse needs to pay particular attention to their general well-being by adapting a healthier lifestyle and maintaining an adequate level of fitness through exercise.

This year romance is very good for the Horse and their social life will also be very rewarding. The Horse native will have many occasions to spend time with friends and loved ones over the year which will help bolster relationships. The single Horse will find a great deal of attention forthcoming from the opposite sex. The important thing for the Horse to remember is to be grateful and express proper appreciation for everything others do for them. The Horse will have many opportunities to meet new people during the numerous social events in 2014 and some of these people could be quite important.

Horses are in affinity with the Sheep/Goat. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Goat.

Overall, 2014 will be a very pleasant and enjoyable year for the Horse with plenty to do and much to learn. Have a fantastic year.

2014 Predictions for the Sheep/Goat

The year of the Horse holds many opportunities for the Sheep/Goat in 2014. This will be a year where they have the option of making this either a very satisfying and an exciting year or a tranquil, comfortable and hassle-free one.

The career forecast for the Sheep/Goat Career is a particularly good and a rewarding one. All will go rather smoothly for the Sheep/Goat in 2014 provided they are able to take on a lot more responsibility by using their previous years’ experiences. The year of the Horse is also a good time to set plans in motion by adapting a more authoritative stance towards their career. Sheep/Goats who are looking to change their career path or seek employment should find that their search will avail them many options that they have never before considered. This could go rather well for the Sheep/Goat that are motivated and are up for the challenge.

Home life will require a fair bit of organization and planning this year in terms of getting things done. The Sheep/Goat will have the opportunity to do a lot of do it yourself fixes in the home during 2014 and, if successful, they will be rewarded with ample savings.

There will be many enjoyable family times both at home or outside for the Sheep/Goat this year, therefore they should organize as many Family functions or trips as possible. On the down side there is a risk of conflict within the family for the Goat in 2014. This could cause problems if it is not addressed early on in the year. The best thing to do is to try talking to each other and resolve any differences that you may have.

Romance will be very an enjoyable aspect of the Sheep/Goat’s life during the year of the Horse. It can further strengthen relationship ties that will be everlasting. Increased social activity could take a lot of Sheep/Goat’s time and attention, so it is best they include their partner along whenever possible.

Single Sheep/Goats looking for a relationship should find it very easy to find new romance this year and there is also the possibility of this becoming a lifelong relationship.

As we mentioned earlier, the social life of Sheep/Goat will be the key focal point all during the year of the Horse and this can avail the Sheep/Goat a significant amount of opportunities to meet new people and experience new things. The Sheep/Goat’s innate understanding and helpful manner will help them to really connect with different people over the year and they will derive definite benefits from their increased social calendar. Often they will find themselves helping others and this will provide the Sheep/Goat infinite joy. Go ahead, share the joy with others by offering advice or lending a helping hand to further augment this great feeling and make it last. Moreover, the karmic law will return the favour in the future.

How the year of the Horse is played out is entirely up to the Sheep/Goat. If they are after success and wealth, they should work as hard as possible and attain what they want out of the year but they can also take the year at an easy, nice pace and enjoy the things in life that they may not have previously had the time for.

Sheep/Goats are in affinity with the Horse. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Horse.

2014 Predictions for the Monkey

The motivated Monkey will want to make the most of the year of the Horse and, fortunately for them, some career aspects to excel in are at hand. There may not be any promotions for the Monkey in 2014 though that doesn’t mean that they will not be able to take on new responsibilities that will be carry their own reward. Then there are the risks of overworking themselves in 2014 or deceiving themselves into thinking that they are doing far better than they actually are. Meanwhile, the Monkey will gain ample opportunity to shine from immediately perceiving changes in their company and adapting to them far quicker than their colleagues will. Keep in mind however; the Monkey must not set their expectations too high in 2014, such as setting their sights on becoming CEO of the company, while overlooking or dismissing the true value of the personal growth they have already attained.

For those Monkeys looking to change their career or seeking employment in 2014; this is a year that holds the potential of kick-starting a whole new vocation for them. Getting a job will be very easy for the Monkey, however they would be wise to first take a stock of their abilities and make certain the position they seek is what they want. Monkeys should also be prepared to deliberate on career options previously not considered.

Finances are good for the Monkey in 2014 and they could possible see a bonus coming their way in the year of the Horse. Money could also come by way of a lottery winning. This does not mean, however, that they should rush out and spend thousands on lottery tickets as the return may not be as high as anticipated. I’ll risk reiteration and repeat: the Monkey should not be setting their sights too high in 2014 and forsaking reality. Similarly, when making expensive purchases in 2014 the Monkey must not rush into it, as there is a risk of paying too.

The Monkeys’ health on the whole will good, although they should keep an eye on their diet during the Horse year and try to get some exercise whenever possible in order to stay fit, particularly in the colder months. Travel is a good idea for the Monkey this year as they could gain a lot of insight through taking time out to relax and think about their life.

Home life will also be good for the Monkey. There will be many opportunities for the Monkey to enjoy social events, to spend quality time with existing or new friends and loved ones and the Monkey is sure to get ample pleasure from all of this. A word of caution, however, during the year of the Horse their social life will require a bit of care, as there is a risk of upsetting others. Meanwhile it would be to the Monkey’s advantage to place their confidence in others concerning problems and to reciprocate vice versa, as this will greatly benefit them.

Romance is looking good for the Monkey in 2014 and there will be plenty of loving moments shared with loved ones throughout the year. Mutual plans with their partner will be very beneficial to the Monkey this year as this could further strengthen the existing bonds. For single Monkeys, this can be a time of new love and the Monkey would do well to get out there and look for a partner, although they will need to be very open with them, for the new found relationship to progress.

Monkeys are in affinity with the Snake. For their protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Snake.

2014  Predictions for the Rooster

The Rooster’s amazing organisational skills will be beneficial in the year of the Horse. A great way for the Rooster to advance this year would be to write a wish list of what they hope to achieve during the year and follow it, check back on the list regularly, and perhaps add to it.

Career aspects for the Rooster will be good in 2014. Roosters that are fully prepared for any contingencies and any required modifications for the year ahead will advance a lot further than can be imagined. For Roosters seeking to be employed or simply looking to change their profession this may prove to be a challenging year and they need to apply themselves 100% to get the desired results.

The rooster likes to prepare for everything beforehand and this is a good thing. However, the Horse year being fast paced. The Rooster, on occasion, may be caught off guard. The thing they must do then would be to act with the impulse and swiftly seize the opportunity as this will turn out quite well in the end.

Ultimately throughout 2014 there will be a great deal no end to progress for the Rooster and the subsequent climb of the social ladder will augment their gladness. Correspondingly the Rooster’s social life will thrive and they will see many opportunities to attended events and spend time with friends and loved ones throughout the Horse year. One key recommendation would be to step away from jealous feelings and arguments during this year, as there is a risk of these causing problems for the Rooster. Finally; a positive attitude and becoming the bigger person will save the Rooster a lot of grief.

Finance is an area that warrants caution. The Rooster needs to keep a close eye on their expenses as debts could easily accrue during the year of the Horse. It is also a good idea for the Rooster to always check over terms and conditions carefully and make sure that what they are signing up for is a to their advantage. If they are able to closely monitor their outgoings they should do rather well with finances this year

Home life is good for the Rooster in 2014. There will be many opportunities to engage in family fun activities and create some really memorable moments. The Rooster’s hobbies and interests will come to light this year and many activities they partake of will be gratifyingly pleasurable. It would be wise for the Rooster not to take on too much work at home, however, as they could tire themselves out. They must learn to delegate chores.

Romance will be favorable for the Rooster although they will have to avoid feeling jealous if possible and also remain well composed at moments of stress and anger as this could quickly dissolve a strong relationship. The best thing for the Rooster to do in 2014 with regards to a relationship is to fill their time together with loving affection and good experiences to avoid any arguments. Single Roosters looking for love should be able to attract attention from the opposite sex but they will need to maintain a very nonchalant attitude with their new partner if they are to succeed.

Roosters are in affinity with the Dragon. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Dragon.

2014 Predictions for the Dog

The Dog has acquired ample learning and experience in the last few years and this will become evident in their actions, manners and performance all during the year of the Horse. 2014 is poised therefore to be an extremely satisfactory and proactive year for the Dog where they can achieve a great deal with ease. It will come with many gratifying rewards, both emotionally and physically.

The forecast for the Dog’s career is also good with lots of great opportunities coming to them throughout the year. Dogs seeking a career change or Dogs looking for employment in the year of the Horse should see a great deal of progress in their search, which may be long overdue. Meanwhile, it would be beneficial for the Dog to broaden their horizons in their search for work as something they may have previously overlooked, or never considered, could turn out to be a really promising position for the Dog’s career.

Employed Dogs will have a great deal of progress in terms of growth and gains in their respective jobs. The Dogs commitment in the work place will be well valued this year. They will make a lot of advancements by reaching new levels in their position and in due course securing a lot of respect from higher members of staff.

Due to the Dog’s efforts at work they will enjoy a good income and therefore have accrued funds at their disposal for future events and goals. Even so, it would be wise for the Dog to try and reduce the outlays as much as possible this year in order to help maximise savings for big purchases and renovations throughout 2014.

The home life for the Dog will be very good in 2014, although they should look in to updating their security system during the year of the Horse as there is risk of theft. It’s also imperative that Dogs take good care of their health, get plenty of exercise and keep a close eye on their diet during all of 2014.

Social life will be good and there will be many times where, swamped with plans, Dogs will have to decide on which to pursue. Dogs will make a lot of new acquaintances in 2014 and, owing to the Dog’s faithful nature, some of these can become a long-lasting intimate relationships. Single Dogs will attract many new partners this year and this could be an ideal time for settling down with someone special. Dogs already in a relationship will go through the year fairly trouble free with little arguments or problems. Meanwhile romance will flourish and both single and spoken-for Dogs will enjoy many beautiful moments. The year of the Horse can also be an excellent time for the Dog to travel and see the world. What better way than, if budgeted for, for the Dog to take along their loved ones on a trip in order to further boost their relationship.

Dogs are in affinity with the Rabbit. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Rabbit.

2014 Predictions for the Pig

The Pig will do extremely well during the year of the Horse and enjoy ample great moments and opportunities to further themselves. This can be a very fruitful and rewarding year for the Pig with many accomplishments and various beneficial connections in the forecast.

Suffice it to say, career aspects will be very propitious for the Pig and 2014 will be a year where the Pig will find it very easy to gain skills and knowledge in the work place. The Pig should seize any opportunities made available to them, as it would propel their career to the next level for still greater advantage. For Pigs looking to change career or Pigs looking for work, the year of the Horse brings great many opportunities and, through the Pigs vast range of skills and good business sense, they should do very well in securing a lucrative position with a very good company.

Home life will be good for the Pig throughout the year of the Horse but there are a few things that the Pig will need to do to make the most of the year. All through 2014, Pig must reserve some time out for themselves; making sure that they get plenty of rest and relaxation in order to contemplate what they want out of this year and also in life. There is a risk of neglecting their own personal health, so it would be wiser for the Pig to keep a steady eye on their diet and get plenty of exercise.

Family members will sometimes seek advice from the Pig in 2014 and the Pig will do well to land a hand and their invaluable assistance to friends and family.

Finances will be good for the Pig in 2014 although they will need to be somewhat strict on their spending as there is risk of them overspending a lot of money fast. If the Pig is able to budget their spending and curb unnecessary expenses throughout the year they should do rather well. Pigs must check over contracts carefully during the year of the Horse as this could be the source of money going out fast with high interest rates or something similar.

Social life is particularly favorably for the Pig in 2014 and this can be a very good year for acquiring new acquaintances and establishing new business connections to augment the Pigs’ standing and financial interests during the subsequent years. There will be many great social events all during 2014 for the Pig and these could prove to be the most memorable times; therefore, Pigs should embrace any new activities, have a fantastic time, and enjoy fully what comes their way.

Romance is looking extremely hopeful for the Pig during the year of the Horse and this is looking to be a year of great success for single Pigs that are on the lookout for love. This could be a great year for the Pig to find their soul-mate and really bond with that person. There will be strong Peach Blossom luck for the Pig this year and this will give them some great opportunities for finding new love. Those single Pigs that strike out with their new found love, should take heart in knowing that there will be plenty more opportunities around the corner. All in all, Pigs in a relationship should see a very good year ahead and one where they will be able to cure any previous problems and thrive this year.

Pigs are in affinity with the Tiger. For their protection, they should have a key chain pendant of a Tiger.

Good Luck to you All